Today was the first time in ages that we haven’t left the boat – the rain in Spain falls mainly in the marina apparently. It’s been cold, wet and windy all day so we stayed inside and used the time to figure out our mammoth shopping list. The plan is to see if we can buy enough provisions to last us a month, which without a car I reckon will mean about 2 or 3 trips to Alcampo on the tram and bus. It’s not that we don’t plan on visiting land for that long, it just means we won’t have to worry about finding shops in new places and we can focus on just picking up fresh food. Neither Tom nor I are (at all!) creative when it comes to food, so we’ve been stressing a bit about what meals we should be cooking. Cass called for a chat earlier and had some awesome suggestions so that’s made us feel a bit better.
In between the rain showers Tom dismantled the pedestal (the thing the wheel is attached to) to see if they’d be room to feed the cables for the chartplotter. After getting soaked, the answer was no. More holes in the cockpit floor it is then.
Looks painful!