Having been up half the night murdering bloody mosquitoes (how they get in through the hatch nets we have no clue) Tom went for a swim and we had lunch. Just across from where we are is a hanger with two really cool sea planes, which take off and land in between the boats. It’s a bit unnerving but fantastic to watch!
After lunch we headed into Pollença in search of a device to allow us to charge the laptops from the cigarette socket. We’re anchored right across the bay from the town so we expected it to be quite a ride in the dinghy. We weren’t wrong – 20 minutes later we arrived. We’ve been really lucky with the 3 towns we’ve visited so far in as much that they have places to park dinghies. The Costa Brava was a nightmare as the locals had taken ownership of every patch of sand. They’d sit around a little table on the beach playing cards and on spotting the approaching intruders coming to shore, they’d start placing bets as to whose patch was about to be invaded. As soon as the unsuspecting tourist stepped foot on land they’d come striding over to shoe you away. After getting so fed up, and having no other option we ended up paying 5 EUR to park for a few hours. Utterly ridiculous.
Anyway, this afternoon we sat in a cafe for an hour to charge the laptop batteries then went for a wander. Having been unsuccessful in 4 shops our last resort was one of these Chinese stores which seem to stock literally everything. Walking in reminded me of the Lion, Witch and The Wardrobe movie as the small facade turned into a maze of endless isles which were crammed floor to ceiling with pretty much everything you could imagine. Including…the charger! How long it’ll last we’re not sure but having spent 32 EUR vs. over 350 EUR for a proper inverter we’ll take our chances.
Back on the boat we tried it out, and it worked. Now all we need to sort out decent mobile broadband and we’ll be all set.
And yes, yet another gorgeous sunset.
Hi Thought I would try the comments section.
Your sea planes are like the forest fire planes we have that practice on our lake in France: https://photos.app.goo.gl/UgKNgAPdxgbw1Vz68
All the best to you both. Paul
Hi Paul, really nice to hear from you
Ah yes, now you mention it actually I remember Dad talking about those on your lake. They’re quite a sight aren’t they? Hope you’re all well? Love to everyone, hope to see you soon x