Considering we’d had quite a full-on day yesterday we were surprised to be wide awake at 0800. We took the dinghy ashore in search of just a little more water for the tanks, and a coffee. We walked up the beach and came across a hotel and ventured inside. Now you many remember from Tom’s update yesterday that the beach and bar were full of Germans. Well we found out where they all sleep at night. Side stepping baby strollers, toddlers and men in socks and sandals (no, it’s not a myth) we walked into the restaurant which was teaming with German families, and surprisingly zero hotel staff. As the saying goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but we thought, “well, what about a free breakfast?”. We kept a look out for anyone official taking a register of room numbers but saw no-one, so we morphed into the crowd and tucked into the buffet. On the way out we had a stab of conscious though so put 10 EUR in the tips box. After that we walked up the hill and admired Bini happily bobbing around on her own still.
Back on the boat we got Bini ship shape and headed south down the eastern side of Mallorca. Our plan was to make the most of the wind (which is forecast to disappear until next Friday) and reach the southern most tip by late afternoon. Reaching this point on the island about now gives us the best chance of making it completely around by next Wednesday, our deadline for heading back to Barcelona for a wedding on the 6th July. After yesterday though we were both tried and very short tempered so weren’t convinced we could face another 7 hour sail today. We stopped off to get fuel, and contemplated staying in the marina to get some sleep. We decided however to man-up and keep going as the wind was perfect so we got underway again, made lunch, had a good old cup of tea, put on some music and cheered up.
At around 1700 we arrived at Cala Caragon which looked more like the Caribbean than Mallorca, with its turquoise water and long sandy beach. We found a nice sandy patch, set the anchor, had a swim, a sundowner and dinner.
As I’m writing this Tom is doing the washing up. Yes, you read that correctly 🙂 We’re running very low on water so we thought we’d give washing up with heated-up sea water a try – and immediately regretted it. It stank like putrid rotting fish – utterly revolting! It’s a thing though apparently and real sailors do it so we’ll read up on how it should be done.

Wow, ein herrlicher Sonnenuntergang?
Great pictures 🙂 I’ll be in Nice on the 6th, have a great sail and enjoy the wedding xx
Nice will be lovely, never been but heard it’s definitely worth a visit. Hope you’re all well, BVI looked stunning! Hi to the family and hope to see you soon xx