On Friday we continued to Galaxidi. We had wind for the first hour or so (which allowed us to test our jib fix, all good so far) but it then dropped off so we motored the rest of the way. Our friends on Polaris and Right Meow were in the bay and that afternoon we joined them for a picnic on one of the tiny islands in the huge bay. I say “picnic”, in reality it was far more booze than it was food! Wash from a passing motorboat put a very abrupt and wet end to our little excursion so once we’d retrieved our belongings from the sea we went back to Polaris to carry on the party.

Given the monster hangover and my very bruised ribs from falling into the dinghy the night before (yeah, don’t ask) we had a surprisingly energetic day. After Tom cooked a hangover-busting breakfast we went into town, hired a car and drove to Delphi. It was a wonderful place, surprisingly well preserved given some of it dates back to 4000 BC and thankfully for us there were very few people and there was a refreshing breeze. We strolled around for a few hours then drove back and had an early night!
Today we still had the car so we took the opportunity to fill up our jerry cans with diesel before dropping it off late morning. This afternoon we had a coffee date on Right Meow, defrosted the fridge (exciting!) and we’re preparing to leave at first light tomorrow on our last hop before the Corinth Canal.
Klingt gemütlicher ?