The day of the big surprise! All we had to do was to get Dad into the marina restaurant by 10:30, easy. After having had no schedule for the last few days I think he was mildly surprised to be ushered off the boat so promptly, but with me feening severe hunger we were soon sitting having coffee, both Tom and I waiting anxiously for Paul to make his appearance. Then he arrived. He walked up behind Dad and covered his eyes, not saying a word. Dad very calmly just sat there and said nothing until Paul removed his hands, walked around to face him and said, “Spare seat on the boat?”. Dad, stunned and unable to believe what he was seeing started at Paul until finally standing up and giving his best friend a huge teary-eyed hug. Tom did brilliantly and filmed the whole thing whilst I, between wiping the tears from my eyes managed to take a few photos. Amazing that it worked out!

After breakfast we got onboard Bini and set off on our special sail to Lindos. We’d dreamed about re-creating this moment for years, and having Paul onboard made it all the more special for us all. Although there wasn’t any wind that suited us just fine as we could sit comfortably in the cockpit for the 5 hour journey and have a long overdue catch up.
After a few hours, the spectacular sight of Lindos came into view. For us Lindos holds very special memories. It’s the place where my parents met, my Dad met Paul, where my Dad sailed on his own yacht for many years and where I spent most of my summers growing up until I was a teenager. Even to the unbiased eye however the village is an awesome sight. At its peak sits the magnificent acropolis, and cascading down to the water are traditional white houses which are so typical of Greece.
We came into the bay, dropped the sail and found a spot to anchor, one where we wouldn’t move from for the next 5 days. With Bini tidied up we had a celebratory glass of proper champagne (not the usual plonk we’ve been used to drinking!) and headed into the village. I’d been a bit worried about how it’d feel for us all to come back after all this time as there’s always a risk with somewhere that holds such amazing memories that the reality will fall short and it’ll be a disappointment. This was not true for Lindos. Of course it had changed, new and more shops, different people, more lights but at its core it, and its vibe, were still exactly the same. To me it felt like I was coming home and we wandered through the maze of small lanes with the same easy familiarity and recollection as if we’d been there just yesterday.

First stop was a drink in Rainbird bar overlooking the bay. It’s still owned by a good friend of my Dad and Paul, and the barman was delighted to hear that the owners son was in fact Paul’s Godson!
Next stop the infamous Yanni’s Bar and as we approached who should be sitting in his same old seat – Yanni himself. He instantly remembered my Dad so we had a chat before he found us a table. Although the decor had been refreshed (as you’d hope!) and the music was “less Greek” than it used to be, again, it felt exactly the same.
Not wanting to go too over the top on our first night we had a few drinks and were back on Bini at a reasonable time. It was so good to be back in town!
What was it I said about not wanting to go over the top? Well that rule from today went well and truly out of the window! Feeling a little fragile from the evening before, I still managed to set the alarm for 06:00 and hopped ashore in the dinghy by myself for a walk around. I wanted to wander the lanes before the shops opened and the madness started.
I got back just as the others were starting to wake up. Our day started off pretty civilised by having breakfast on the “small beach” in the now called Lindos Yacht Club, a place where we were to become regulars. In a different thread, Tom had been contacted by a headhunter a few days before about a job which looked promising so he’d agreed to have a first call with the company at 1130. He went back to the boat and we waited for him on the beach. After the call he jumped in a cab and headed to Rhodes town, as his two best friends were in fact visiting so he went off to see them.
And that’s when, for all of us, our alcohol consumption went into overdrive. Dad, Paul and I spent the rest of the day in Rainbird Bar, more drinks with dinner back at Yanni’s, then more drinks on the beach. In my over excitement I’d not factored in how tricky it’d be to get two very merry men back on the dinghy then back on Bini. Thankfully no bones were broken and by 0200 we were all back on board. Tom meanwhile was still partying in Rhodes.
Today was basically a wonderful repeat of yesterday. We had breakfast on the beach before walking up into the town to meet some old friends. Then it was back to Rainbird to settle in for the rest of the day and spark up conversation with pretty much everyone else who came in! Tom came to Lindos late afternoon with his friends to hang out on the boat for a few hours before they headed back into Rhodes to continue their partying.
We just about managed dinner before going back to the boat, minus one who probably (and quite sensibly!) decided to sleep in the beach. You know who you are 🙂
Understandably today was a very slow day. Dad spent his time relaxing on the boat and I laid on the beach watching the donkeys ferrying people up the steep hill. Later that evening Tom arrived back from Rhodes, rather broken so we had an early dinner on the beach and an early night.
In the morning we flew the drone and got some lovely pictures of the bay, and in the afternoon we had another beach day. Tom and I annoyingly were coming down with colds so weren’t feeling 100%. Not surprising really! In the evening we had a lovely meal in a rooftop restaurant overlooking the village and I’m not exaggerating when I say that the food Michelin Star quality. If you’re ever in Lindos you really have to go to Olive Street.
Sadly today it was time for Paul to head home. The only thing which was relieved was probably his liver! We had a last breakfast together before putting him in a cab at midday to Rhodes. Dad and I came back to the beach where we met Tom for a coffee before going back to the boat for a relaxing afternoon of paddle boarding. In the evening Tom had another call with the company, which was starting to look quite promising, then afterwards we headed into the village for dinner at Maria’s.
Unfortuantely my cold decided to hit me full force today and had me knocked out until late morning. After taking some tablets I felt a bit better so we walked around to St Pauls Bay for lunch. On the way back we walked up to the acropolis (along a now disused and slippery donkey path!) and were rewarded with specular views of the bay, and some very high walls which Dad stayed well away from 🙂 In the evening we went to another lovely rooftop restaurant for dinner.
Today was Dad’s last day with us so it was time to go back to Rhodes. We’d put the sail off from yesterday as the forecast told of better wind today, and it wasn’t wrong. Poor Tom was now full of cold so after he helped hoist the main he went back to bed so Dad and I sailed the boat back. For the first hour or so the wind was really inconsistent but for the last couple of hours it picked up and we had a fantastic sail back. Tom was only awoken by Bini heeling over so much, at which time we tucked in a reef which helped. Back in Rhodes marina we were given a spot just opposite the restaurant which to begin with we weren’t terribly happy about as the pontoon was really high, and we were worried about the noise. The marinaro however said it was the best place given the forecasted NW winds which were due, and the swell which would accompany it. We’d so glad we took his word for it as you’ll later find out!

We had showers and a bite to eat before putting Dad in his taxi to the airport. We’d had an absolutely amazing and very special time together and it was really sad for us both to say goodbye!
In the afternoon Tom and I walked into Rhodes (we needed a bit of exercise) and along the way found out that the company Tom had been chatting to also wanted to see me – exciting! It looked too like we’d be flying to Germany on Monday already – that wound be quite the change of scenery!
Ein sehr lustiger und anrührender Bericht. Er hat uns in jeder Hinsicht berührt?