Sunday was a really quiet day, the only thing we did in the afternoon was swim over to see the bubbling underwater rocks, which were really strange. They made the water look like it was boiling and even under the...
Our plan on Sunday was to hike up the volcano and visit the “Gran Cratere”. We were still at anchor on the west side of the northern part of the island, but now the wind and waves were rolling in so at 10:00...
Tom couldn’t sleep for most of the night and was out of bed at 04:00 reading about what to do with the engine. The ideal scenario has it rushed to the equivalent of engine A&E but given we’re anchored on a rather...
Excuse the lack of photos for this post – read on to find out what happened. 🙁 On Wednesday we had rather a late start, and in the afternoon walked into Lipari. We had a nice time walking around the old medieval...
On Tuesday morning we were up early, woken by the wind which had started to build. It was clear this wasn’t going to be a good anchorage to sit out the winds, so we decided to head over to Lipari. Up on deck we...
Rome to Ponza to the Sicilian Islands. We left Rome at 05:00 on Saturday morning and arrived on Ponza just as the sun was setting and dropped anchor in a huge (and very busy) bay a short dinghy ride to the town. After a...